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Keeping Your Paint Pristine

If you are like most people who have paid for a custom auto paint job, you might assume that your new paint will stay looking great forever. Unfortunately, rock chips, bad car washes, and unfortunate car accidents can wreak havoc on an otherwise perfect paint job--leaving you with frustrating dents, dings, and scratches. I have owned several cars over the years, and I can tell you first hand how important it is to know how to take care of your paint. This blog discusses different ways you might be able to fend off trouble, so that you can stay proud of your car.

Tips For Getting A Car Body Repair Estimate That Works For You

12 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Getting into a car accident that requires car body repair work before you can get back out on the road is no fun. You likely want to get back out on the road quickly, but don't let your sense of urgency end up costing you when it comes time to pay for the damage. Take your time getting an estimate so you can ensure you are making the right choice before you move forward. Read More …

Why Motorists Should Consider Paintless Dent Repair for Dents

15 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

After years of owning a vehicle, dents will probably show up. If they are starting to bug you, consider taking your vehicle to an auto body services that offer paintless dent repairs. Such services come with many worthwhile advantages compared to traditional techniques. 1. Less Labor Involved When it comes to fixing dents, you may be worried about how much everything will cost at the end. After all, you probably don't have an unlimited budget to restore your vehicle to its original condition. Read More …

Is Paintless Dent Repair Worth It?

19 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Have you ever seen ads for paintless dent repair? You might think to yourself, how do they do that? Well, paintless dent repair is actually a complicated process, and it doesn't work for all types of collision repairs. Paintless dent repair works best when there is no major paint damage to the dented area. So, it usually works best on smaller dents. This article looks are how paintless dent repair works and why you should consider it for your car. Read More …

Getting An Estimate For Car Body Repair? Three Things That Should Always Be Included On The Estimate

8 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your vehicle has been in a collision, it is always recommended that you obtain an estimate for car body repair from a few auto body repair shops. If you have never had an estimate done before, you may be unsure of what should be included in the estimate. Here are three key things that should always be included in the estimate and why it is important that it is.  Read More …

How To Save Cash On The Cost Of Repairing The Body Of Your Vehicle

3 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you have a vehicle that is in need of auto body repair services, you might start to wonder what the repair bill is going to be like. If you are trying to stay within a certain budget, or are simply interested in saving whatever you can, you will want to read through the following advice. The more proactive you are about cutting the repair bill down, the more of a savings you should be able to see in the end. Read More …