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Keeping Your Paint Pristine

If you are like most people who have paid for a custom auto paint job, you might assume that your new paint will stay looking great forever. Unfortunately, rock chips, bad car washes, and unfortunate car accidents can wreak havoc on an otherwise perfect paint job--leaving you with frustrating dents, dings, and scratches. I have owned several cars over the years, and I can tell you first hand how important it is to know how to take care of your paint. This blog discusses different ways you might be able to fend off trouble, so that you can stay proud of your car.

Choosing The Right Paint Job For Your Car

22 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Few things can make a car appear more aged than a deteriorating paint job. With the average paint job costing about $2,000, it is vital that you understand the factors that should be considered before you invest in a new paint job for your vehicle. Here are three things to keep in mind during the selection process to ensure you choose the right paint for your car. 1. The model year of your car. Read More …

How To Ensure High Quality Auto Body Repair

22 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Almost everyone who drives a car will experience some kind of automobile accident within their lifetimes. In fact, insurance companies estimate that you will experience some sort of accident aboutonce every 18 years. Many of these might just be a little fender bender, a parking lot accident, or something very minor. However, even a minor car accident can cause a lot of damage to the body of a car that can cost thousands of dollars to repair. Read More …

3 Ways to Prepare Your RV for Your Next Trip

20 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Taking your RV on a road trip is a fantastic idea, but you will definitely want to make sure that you take care of a few basic repairs and maintenance jobs so that you can get the most of the RV throughout the trip. Checking the tires, having the wheels aligned, and having the brakes tested are just a few tasks that need to be done before any road trip in your RV. Read More …

4 Tips To Protect Your RV’s Paint Job

13 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You are probably proud of your RV, and you probably want to keep it looking great so that you can show it off when you travel. Unfortunately, the paint jobs on RVs can be prone to fading and damage over time. Luckily, if you follow these maintenance tips, you can help preserve your RV's paint job as much as possible. 1. Keep it Stored Under a Shelter There's a good chance that you don't get to travel as much as you would like to. Read More …