Tips For Getting A Car Body Repair Estimate That Works For You
Getting into a car accident that requires car body repair work before you can get back out on the road is no fun. You likely want to get back out on the road quickly, but don't let your sense of urgency end up costing you when it comes time to pay for the damage. Take your time getting an estimate so you can ensure you are making the right choice before you move forward. Here are some car body repair estimate tips to keep in mind as you look to get back on the road.
Your Insurance Company Doesn't Control Everything
If your car's damage is covered by your insurance provider, you might be inclined to just go along with whatever the insurance agent tells you on the phone. Your car insurance provider may suggest you take your vehicle to a specific shop. Following this advice may lead to you getting the car fixed faster, but you should know that this is not your only option. You can take your car to any repair shop you want. The only difference is you might have to pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed later. However, you may still be covered when all is said and done, so don't let your insurance provider limit your options.
Competition Matters
When going to get a quote for car bodywork, you owe it to yourself and to your bank account to shop around. Taking your vehicle to one shop and letting them know you are going to go with them no matter what may be a mistake. Let each repair shop know you are shopping around and ask them to make their most competitive offer. This may end up saving you a few dollars in the end.
Use Certified Parts If You Want to Keep Your Warranty
If your car was in an accident while you are still under your dealer's warranty, you need to make sure the car gets fixed with parts that are certified by the manufacturer. Using aftermarket or third party used parts might shave some money off the estimate, but you may want to reconsider going this route if those used parts would void what's left on your vehicle warranty.
Having to deal with the fallout from a car accident is never fun, but you can get back on the road without breaking the bank if you take the time to do your homework while shopping for a car repair estimate. Reach out to a car body repair shop for more information.