Painting Lettering On Your Vehicle's Body
If you have decided to give your vehicle a new paint job, and you wish to incorporate a bit of advertising right on the vehicle, hiring an auto paint specialist may be best if you wish to have a professional-looking job as a result. If you are handy with painting tools and have a bit of artistic flair, you may be able to undertake the project on your own. Here are some instructions to follow when deciding to paint lettering on your vehicle to be used for advertisement purposes.
Select The Best Lettering
When picking out lettering for advertising on a vehicle, using larger rather than smaller will work best in attracting attention. People only have a few seconds to read wording when they are moving in a vehicle, so it is best to keep words short and letters large enough to be seen. A good rule of thumb is to use lettering that is larger than three or four inches in height for the best visibility.
When selecting lettering color, you will want a contrasting color from the base color of your vehicle. If you have a dark vehicle, stick with white or light pastel colored letters. If your vehicle is light, black lettering will work best. Stay away from scrolled or flowery writing, as this is difficult to read, especially when the vehicle is in motion.
Prepare The Vehicle
After you had selected stencils to use for your lettering, you will need to place them on your vehicle in the pattern you select. Many people opt to place wording on the doors and hood of the vehicle, either in a straight line or by making slightly curved words to draw attention a bit more. Tape each letter stencil to the vehicle using painter's tape. Make sure you have enough room between each letter and measure the space between each stencil to make sure the letters will at a uniform distance apart. Have a friend take a look at the placement of the stencils to help you decide if they look level and pleasing to read.
Paint The Lettering
Purchase enamel paint to make your lettering. Add a silicone compound to the enamel to add thickness to the consistency of the paint. This will allow the lettering to be placed without fear that the paint will smear or fade, as it will be thicker than traditional paint when it dries. Use a small paintbrush to dab the color into the open area of each stencil and allow to dry for several hours before putting on a second coat. Let the letters dry for a full day before removing the stencils from the vehicle. Add a coating of car wax to brighten the colors and enjoy your vehicle's new display! For further assistance, contact a local auto body shop.